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Peter is a seasoned drummer with five decades of rhythmic expertise.
A dynamic presence in the alternative music scenes of 70s and 80s New York City and Hoboken, Peter's versatility shines through whether playing rock & roll, jazz, or country music. The hallmark of Peter's style is a thoughtful and sensitive approach, supporting & enriching each song with nuance and energy. Peter's drumming is not just a performance but a testament to a lifelong commitment to the art, resonating with depth and authenticity.

Peter - age 19_edited.jpg

Here is some of Peter's recorded work: 

With NYC "Cowpunk" pioneers, The Tall Lonesome Pines. 

With The Band of Brothers Band

With Singer/Songwriter Myra Holder

With Holy Modal Rounder & FUGs Legend, Peter Stampfel

With Beat Rodeo

With NYC No Wavers "A Band"

With The Riverbenders

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